Thursday, 5 November 2015

A Short Film

I haven't posted anything in a long time, I know- not that I haven't had anything to share, but perhaps the opposite.   I have too much to share.  But when you're me, getting tired of yourself happens easily.  So allow me to shine a light on someone else- my son, Jude.  He draws comics and makes cartoons.  He is only 12 years old, and has been working on his tour-de-force animated movie for a couple years already, hoping to get it done by this Christmas.  But that huge project didn't stop him from finishing a shorter cartoon for this Halloween, taking a month to create the 8 minute short.  And it's the best thing he's completed so far.  Here it is, enjoy:

Monday, 6 April 2015


I've been in a visually red mood lately.  Something I can really appreciate happens when I transform shots into red shades, but I can't really put my finger on what that is.   Not that these shots don't stand on their own before the red transformation- a few of these I have already posted in other variations, and the rest of them that have been previously unseen I will still probably post later on in their original colors and/or black & white.  But these are definitely worthy of interest to anyone who might want a splash of red (art) on their walls.  A couple of these are actually QUITE large panoramic images that could be printed on some rather large canvases...

A link to the full slideshow (46 images):

The photo quality is MUCH better in the slideshow link above, but just in case, here's some samples:

Friday, 27 March 2015

social media awareness

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Saturday, 31 January 2015

New Series- Yellowed Landscapes

I ain't no Ansel Adams, but I do like taking me some landscape photos from time to time.

This is one of my favorite series so far, from a trip driving from Seattle to Wenatchee, Washington.
I've posted a few of these here and there in various forms, but here are some final versions of my favorites.  The yellows seem to get it just right, in my mind at least.

I do have another series of more spectacular shots I'm still working on from a drive through the rockies to Banff, but when you have 500 shots to work through, it takes a while to narrow it down...

(These pictures have been adjusted for the web and reposted, plus I added a couple.)
(click to enlarge and scroll through)

(There is still a light, off-color band across photos #5 & #6, that only appears once uploaded into Blogger that I can't seem to adjust for.  The original high-res files on my computer still are vastly superior.  I'll probably end up posting these somewhere else eventually anyways.) 

Monday, 19 January 2015


Do people still download wallpapers for computer desktops?   
Well, they will now!
Especially since I fashioned some new ones for myself, and am now sharing them with you!

My desktop space can get easily cluttered, and i find it helps to have a desktop image that is simple, and often black and white images work best and help me focus the pertinent items.  

So here's some classy, mostly black&white wallpapers that I've been using, from my photos and artwork, all in the often-used 1920x1080 format (although if your screen is of different proportions, the "Stretch to Fill Screen" option works well with all of these).  I've included some of the full color versions if you're feeling wantonly reckless...

Just click on the title below each image to download the full size image:

Yes, I suppose you could use them for something other than a desktop background, or you could just look at them.  Or you can just go away for all I care.  You never listen to me anyways.